Welcome to MovableQ!

Welcome to MovableQ, a service made possible by volunteers with powerful GPUs! This site helps to obtain your console's unique encryption key (movable.sed) by bruteforcing it with a powerful GPU. To get started, choose a method below.

Step 1: Choose a Method

This uses the data obtained from a two-way friend exchange as a starting point for bruteforcing.

This uses a Mii QR code instead of a two-way friend exchange, but is significantly more time-consuming.

Step 2: Console Information

This section is for friend code mining. To get started, enter your console's information into the boxes below.
Your ID0 should be a 32-character hex string. Also make sure it's not an ID1 (the 2nd level folder name).
This is not a valid friend code.
This section is for Mii mining. To get started, enter your console's information into the boxes below. Your console's manufacturing year will be estimated from the specific model you select. If you happen to know the exact manufacturing year, you may also override the automatic estimate.
Your ID0 should be a 32-character hex string. Also make sure it's not an ID1 (the 2nd level folder name).
Please choose your device's model.
Please enter a year between 2011-2020, or leave blank.
Your Mii data is invalid.

Step 3: Obtain LFCS

It is connected to this service and will automatically retrieve your movable_part1.sed when you add it to your friend list. Add the friend code provided above and just wait for it to process, this site should proceed automatically.
Please wait...
Alternatively, you can manually obtain movable_part1.sed by using seedStarter on a second, already-modded console. If you choose to do so, upload the file .
Your part1 data is invalid.
Please wait for the mining process to complete. This process can take up to 90 minutes, so feel free to leave this website running in the background, or even close it and come back later.
Please wait...

Step 4: Obtain msed

Please wait for the mining process to complete. This process can take up to an hour, so feel free to leave this website running in the background, or even close it and come back later. While you wait, please ensure your ID0 is correct, and cancel the job if it is not.
Please wait...

Step 5: Done!

Good news, the mining is complete! Download your movable.sed using the button below. If you ended up here immediately after submitting a job, go ahead and continue with the provided download.
